Sunday, September 9, 2012

Possible Eureka

Peace Corps has been an exercise in learning to be more moderate with myself.  My energy has been super low compared to how it is in the states.  Each day, I can do a few productive activites, probably work-out, but will also need a nap and will be in pj’s by 7pm.  There are many times when I find myself wishing I could do more.  I thought it was the stress of my lifestyle, which I’m sure contributes, but now I’m thinking I just have parasites all the time.

My brother Carlos was making lunch and asked me how many drops of bleach he should use to clean the lettuce.  Afterward, I saw him making his way to the rain barrel to wash the lettuce again.  It turns out that my family has been re-rinsing the vegetables after washing them in bleach to get the bleach off.  This negates any microbe-killing effect of washing with bleach.  I thought I’d been eating nice clean vegetables this whole time.  I’ve taken several rounds of giardia meds, but it seems likely that I’m immediately getting re-infected.  Hopefully another talk with the family will help me be healthier in general.  It’s a hope!

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