I though I'd experienced all the possible Peace Corps mishaps after being in Peru for over two years, but I was gravely mistaken. The idea reeks of hubris anyway. Today, for the first time ever, I vomited blood.
I'm in Huancayo, our regional capital, after a meeting in the selva. I came by to pick up some food and water attchments for Elka's crate. I was walking about, started to feel strange, and went to the hostal to take a break. Before I knew it, my breakfast was trying to escape from my body with great force, and by any outlet possible. A popular phrase among volunteers is , "peeing out my butt." It's graphic, but damn accurate for the situation. I also vomited every 10 minutes for many hours, apparently bursting blood vessels in my stomach from the strain, hence the blood.
I feel slightly better now. If I sit completely still and take tiny sips of ginger ale, the nausea isn't overwhelming. You probably would've been better off not reading about this (sorry bout that), but it can be comforting to share traumatic experiences.
I'm just hoping that was the last new gastrointestinal experience I have in my remaining few weeks here.
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